5 colorful ways to wake up happy in your home
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The palest of pale greyish-greens is known as celadon, a beautiful colour named for the Chinese pottery thought to date as far back as 25 AD. Highly prized for its beauty in ancient times, celadon ware was also believed to break or change colour if poisoned food was put into it (very useful if you were a distrustful emperor!). Celadon has adorned exquisite stoneware and dishes for centuries since.
Today, celadon is still viewed as an elegant and ethereal colour choice. Its tranquil beauty, recalling the pale green sea, is perfect for bringing calm to a room where you want to feel relaxed and refreshed. Its delicate and timeless qualities make for a feminine bedroom wall colour or a serenely pretty bathroom.
The serene and ethereal qualities of celadon green can also help you create a harmonious and calming bathroom retreat:
Celadon green, with its timeless and serene qualities, brings a sense of tranquillity and harmony to your walls. Its pale and ethereal charm is perfect for creating a soothing and rejuvenating space where you can relax and unwind.